Mint Property Finance Expands into Scotland

New Scottish Standard Bridging Loan with Rates From 0.40% PM

We’re thrilled to announce that Mint Property Finance has launched in Scotland.

The move heralds the introduction of our third new ‘Power Product’ – the Scottish Standard Bridging Loan – and comes to follows significant growth in England and Wales.  

The Standard Bridge for the Scottish market is available on loans ranging from £75,000 to £1,000,000, with higher loans considered in city centre locations, sees no minimum term; cosmetic works permitted; Foreign Nationals accepted; and rates from 0.40% pm.   

Speaking on the launch, founder and managing director of Mint Property Finance, Andrew Lazare, commented,  “Increasing our Bridging offering to Brokers and Borrowers in Scotland is the next logical step in the evolution of the business.  We’re delighted to enter the market with such a competitive product. 

“We have set out our ambitious growth plans and we see the Scottish market as an area where we can grow our business and continue to provide our best-in-class service and pricing to a wider audience.

“2021 has been an exceptional year for us, one that has seen our lending records broken month on month.  We believe that we can increase our loan completions volumes significantly by this move and look forward to announcing relationships with key Scottish partners in due course.” 

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We will try to resolve any complaint you have as quickly as possible in line with our complaints policy. Please note that Mint Property Finance is not a member of any Alternative Disputes Resolution Scheme.

*We may transfer your data to our selected partners with whom we will share your Personal Data provided to us for the purposes of providing finance that you have requested that we are not able to assist with. Before proceeding, we will take the necessary measures to ensure that your personal data will benefit from adequate protection in accordance with applicable data privacy laws and Mint Personal Finance internal policies.